Henceforth below the Living History Reenactment association, Inc. or also known as the LHRA, will be written as the LHRA.
General Membership
A. Equal Opportunity Statement – The LHRA is an equal opportunity organization. It does not discriminate based on race, age, sex, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, sexual orientation, occupation, height, weight, handicap, military service, political belief or religion.
B. Membership within the LHRA entitles said member a current LHRA membership card, and allows the member to participate in the voting process for Officers of the LHRA and Changes to the By-Laws only.
C. Age Limit – Membership is open to all persons 18 years of age or older. Persons wishing to join the LHRA younger than 17 years of age may do so in a Family membership only. Age limits are also subject to local, state and federal laws. Family membership is limited to 4 members, imediate family only please (same household).
1. Age 17 or Younger – May only participate in the living history displays at the event, cannot participate in Reenactment Battles held at Public events and may not be allowed to possess , carry a firearm or bladed weapon regardless of function, live or Dewat (as prescribed by Federal law). Insurance for the LHRA requires certain rules that must be followed. They must have documented legal guardian or parent present at the event to participate. (Documentation: Letter of Guardianship)
2. Age 18 and older – No restrictions. If carrying a firearm, said firearm must be properly licensed (if required by law) in the state of the member using it and must meet all Federal and State and local laws.
(Age Limits) PRIVATE (closed) EVENTS:1: Age 17 or younger- May not attend the event in the field of battle. Insurance for the LHRA requires certain rules we must follow. Persons in this age limit may attend the event if they stay off the field of battle.
2: Age 18 and older – No restrictions. If carrying a firearm, said firearm must be properly licensed (If required by law) in the state of the member and must meet all Federal and State and local laws.
A person may not join the LHRA if they meet ANY of the following criteria:
1. He or She is a convicted Felon, as defined by State and Federal law, advocates the overthrow of any local, state or federal government, participates in anti-Semitic or racist activities or belongs to any Communist, Nazi, Neo-Nazi, or any other hate group.
1: Membership Termination – Termination of a person’s membership will be according to the following rules:A: Any LHRA member found to be in violation of the rules set forth herein can have a warning sent either by mail or Email to the offending member. If the violation is deemed a hazard to the other members of the LHRA or if after a warning the offending member still refuses to comply, their membership can be terminated immediately with no refund of membership dues.
B: The LHRA Officers/Board of Trustees/Shareholder(s) reserve the right to deny or discontinue membership in the organization to any individual based upon good cause, including, but not limited to, acts of moral turpitude and acts against the best interests of the organization. Appeals can be made to the Vice-President.
2: Appeals process-For infractions to any LHRA rules and regulations, or for issues in the Basic rules and regulations for members listed below, members found in violation may file a written appeal with the Vice-President. This can be made by mail, or Email. The Vice-president will have 30 days to decide what course of action is needed, or if the course of action taken already is sufficient. The ruling of the Vice-President will be final.
1. Dues will be $25.00 per year. A Two Year Membership can be purchased for $45.00, a Three Year Membership is available for $65.00, and a Life Time Membership is available for $300.00. Family Memberships can be purchased for $1.00 per year, per Family Member. Life Time Family Memberships are not available (Subject to change).
2. Dues and Renewal Forms will be sent in the LHRA Secretary. The payment will be sent to the LHRA Treasurer by the Secretary. Once the dues have been paid a Membership Card will be issued within a timely limit and sent to the LHRA member.
3. Active Duty Military Personnel – If a current LHRA member is deployed outside the United States, their LHRA Membership will be held until they return. It is the Unit Commander’s responsibility to notify the LHRA Secretary when a member is deployed outside the United States.
A: Units Forming
1: A unit with less than five (5) members will be considered a “Unit forming” for a period of one (1) year. After one (1) year, said unit must maintain at least 5 members to be considered a unit under LHRA rules. If said unit cannot maintain 5 members after the first year then said unit will be removed from the LHRA.
B: Probationary units
1. Units must contain no less than five (5) members to be considered a “Probationary unit” listed in the LHRA. These units have one (1) year to bring their membership up to ten (10) members to be considered a recognized unit in the LHRA. Members may also be members of other units but will only be counted in their primary unit.
C: Recognized Units
1. A unit in the LHRA does not have franchise rights for their unit designation. Units are first come first serve. If a unit is posted to the LHRA then any other unit forming must be a sub-unit of that unit. ie; if a Division is formed in the LHRA, then a Regiment or a Battalion may be formed as well within the LHRA as a separate unit. A new unit is active as soon as there listed with the LHRA.
2. Unit contains ten (10) or more members. Members may also join other units but will only be counted in their primary unit. The Unit will have complete ownership of its unit designation in the LHRA.
3. Permission for said unit must be granted by the Shareholder/President or an appointed LHRA member by the Shareholder/President before this designation becomes an official LHRA unit.
4. A new unit must submit the required forms to the Secretary before said unit can be listed in the LHRA.
D. Unit Roster
1. Members may belong to only one unit for the official roster, but may join other units as a second or third unit. Exceptions to this rule may involve US ETO and PTO units and American Civil War. Vietnam units may also have dual unit memberships where needed.
E. Unit Commanders
1. Unit Commanders must be 21 years of age or older and are responsible for the safety, conduct, and authenticity of all members serving in their unit and to the adherence of the LHRA By-Laws and Rules and Regulations of the LHRA. They will also be required to maintain LHRA membership at all times to maintain unit designation and recognition by the LHRA.
F. Unit By-Laws
1. A copy of current unit by-laws will be submitted along with an up to date roster by January 31st of each year. Units will be required to send in a brief history of their unit.
Other Societies
1. The LHRA MAY recognize any parent society or organization, upon review, after said society has provided the LHRA with a copy of their By-Laws, Safety & Authenticity Regulations, and contact information for their officers, with the approval by the LHRA Board of Trustees. Any of these entities participating at LHRA sponsored events will abide by the LHRA By-Laws and Safety & Authenticity Regulations, and vice versa.
LHRA National Reenactment Battle
1. Any LHRA unit interested in sponsoring the National Battle must submit a written proposal to the President no later than 120 days prior to the scheduled date.
2. After all expenses, the profits generated from the gate receipts will be deposited into the LHRA membership account. The sponsors must submit a financial statement with receipts within 30 days after the event to the Secretary of the LHRA. The sponsors of the National Battle are required to post signs with the LHRA name at the entrance to the event site.
LHRA Sponsored Events Public and Private (Closed)
1. Any LHRA unit who wishes to sponsor an event must submit a written proposal to the President no later than 120 days prior to the scheduled date.
2. After all expenses, the profits generated from the gate receipts will be deposited into the LHRA membership account. The sponsors must submit a financial statement with receipts within 30 days after the event to the President. LHRA sponsored events are required to post signs with the “LHRA” name at the entrance to the event site. These events will be covered by the LHRA Insurance Policy after they have been reviewed and found to meet the requirements of the LHRA. If approved for sponsorship, a designated LHRA Representative (approved by the President/Shareholder(s)) must be on site to oversee that all By-Laws and LHRA Safety and Authenticity Guidelines are being followed at the event.
Basic Rules and Regulations for members
1. It is the responsibility of each individual member to be inspected for authenticity by a designated member of the Event Staff other than their unit commander before taking the field at any event.
2. All male and female participants will present a proper military appearance in representing there time period, WWII, WWI, American Civil War, Vietnam, Korea or Roman Times.
3. No current issue medals of valor shall be worn by any individual that did not earn them in actual service of the US military. The only exceptions to this would be a first person impression of an actual historical figure.
4. A hairstyle correct for the prescribed time period of the event will be required of all participants. Proper mustache and beards are allowed if the unit being portrayed historically permitted them. Females portraying male combat personnel must outwardly assume the appearance of a male, that is, the hair must be covered. Uniforms must be worn as per regulations for a service person of that time period. No earrings or other visible piercings will be allowed. Tattoos should be covered if possible. All glasses should have safety or shatter-resistant lenses. Modern sunglasses are not allowed.
5. Unit commanders are responsible for the safety, conduct, and authenticity of all participants serving in their unit at any event either LHRA or any group.
6. “Freelancing” or participating without proper unit affiliation will not be permitted unless the person attending wishes to join the LHRA or any other reenacting group at an event. If said person does not wish to join, they may be removed from the event without refund. Reenacting standards must apply here. This means that a participant must belong to a recognized parent organization in order to participate. A person in this category may if he/she chooses apply for membership in the LHRA or an LHRA approved unit at any time.
7. Uniforms and equipment must be of the model or type used in their respective time frame being portrayed. If a person can prove a unit or individual used a certain weapon, item of equipment, or uniforms by period letters, period photographs or period film, then their use will be permitted. If rejected, appeals can be made in writing to the Vice-President for a decision.
A: Uniforms must be exact (or as close as possible) reproduction for the time period portrayed. Example; Current military uniforms may not be used in WWII reenactments. If in doubt of your impression, please consult with the Authenticity committee members for help. No Political German uniforms may be worn at any LHRA event, either Public or Private. This includes, but not limited to; Black SS uniforms or NSDAP Political uniforms. It is against the rules to wear the Swastika armband at any time. Members who choose to violate these rules may be removed from any LHRA event without refund.
B: Equipment must be exact (or as close as possible) reproductions for the time period portrayed. Example; Korean war items may not be used for WWII reenactments unless there the same as used in WWII. If in doubt of your impression, please consult with the Authenticity committee members for help.
8. The LHRA does not require Steel Helmets in the field, but STRONGLY recommends their use. Certain events may require the use of Steel Helmets.
9. All weapons must be placed on “safe” when a person is loading or unloading said weapon from a vehicle, when showing a weapon to any person, or when in the field. This does not apply when said weapon is being used in a combat role.
10: All Federal and State firearm laws and regulations must be followed at all events. It is the responsibility of each LHRA member to understand all firearms laws and firearm safety rules issued by the Government either Federal or State. Full Automatic weapons must be properly licensed and legally licensed and LHRA members must carry a copy of said license or any proper Federal firearm form for said weapon on their person at all times when at an event.
11: WWII weapons must be of pre 1945 manufacture and of a military type used during WWII, or an acceptable replica. Airsoft, air (BB) or CO2 guns are allowed only for display purposes and may not be fired in any way. Weapons manufactured after 1945 may be used if they duplicate a WWII weapon.
12: Weapons before WWII. The above rules apply to other groups such as WWI, Vietnam, Korea and Civil War excluding WWII. The weapon must conform with the time period you are portraying.
13: The LHRA authenticity committee can rule that certain modern items may be used instead due to a lack of available reproductions. These will be on a case by case basis.
14: Refusal of any LHRA member, or any member of a recognized reenactment group to follow the instructions of a safety officer are grounds for dismissal from any LHRA event without refund. Severe infractions may also be grounds for dismissal from the LHRA. Safety officers have the authority to remove any offender from any event and ask for the offender’s dismissal from said event or the LHRA. Appeals can be made to the Vice-President of the LHRA. Only one appeal can be made. The Vice-Presidents/Shareholders ruling will be final.
WWII German Flags
1. For WWII events, the use of ANY Nazi flag with the swastika is not permitted for flying at any event. Flags bearing the swastika may be used under certain conditions for display purposes only. Any flag bearing the SS runes is also not allowed. What is acceptable will be any Division/unit flag that does not have either the SS runes or the swastika in it.
1: There will be three (3) committees, Safety, Authenticity and Vehicles. Committees will form of two people for each committee. The officers for each committee will be appointed by the LHRA President, Vice-President and Shareholder(s) based on qualifications. Members wishing to apply for said positions will be required to fill out a requirement form.
Safety Committee
1. The LHRA President, Vice-president and Shareholder(s) will appoint an officer and an assistant for this committee. The Officer will serve one (1) year. The Safety officer will be responsible to insure all issues dealing with the safety of the LHRA and its members is followed as listed in the Rules and Regulations for members listed.
Vehicle Committee
1.The LHRA President, Vice-president and Shareholder(s) will appoint an officer and an assistant for this committee. The Officer will serve one (1) year. The vehicle officer will be responsible to insure all vehicles attending any LHRA event meets the minimum guidelines set forth below in the vehicle section.
Authenticity Committee
1.The LHRA President, Vice-president and Shareholder(s) will appoint an officer and an assistant for this committee. The Officer will serve one (1) year. The authenticity officer will be responsible to insure all members attending any LHRA event meets the minimum guidelines set forth below in the Rules and Regulations section.
Safety Rules
1. Alcoholic beverages and/or illegal drugs may not be consumed at any event in violation of Local/State or Federal laws. Alcoholic beverages are not to be used when weapons or vehicles are in use. Members may not carry said alcohol or illegal drugs on their person, or may not have them at the event regardless of consumption. Providing alcohol to minors (those under the age of 21 years) is prohibited by law, and will result in immediate removal from the event of the person providing the alcohol without a refund. Said offenders may be reported to the Police. Drugs allowed are those prescribed by the participant’s family physician, or the normal over the counter type.
2. All LHRA members are responsible for their own safety and security, as well as the safety and security of others.
3. Any person or unit that sponsors and event where the LHRA name is used must have a LHRA approved Safety Officer on site to oversee all aspects of safety. All participants at all events where the LHRA name is used MUST be ID carrying members of the LHRA or another recognized reenacting Parent Society.
Rules for Motorized Vehicles:
1. All motor vehicles must be driven by a licensed driver, regardless if used on or off road and proper liability insurance is mandatory. All vehicle owners must submit a copy of their insurance card BEFORE or at the beginning of any event. Any member who cannot show proper insurance will not be allowed to use said vehicle at the event, NO EXCEPTIONS. Appeals can be made after an event to the Vice- President using the appeals process.
2.For WWII or WWI, all vehicles used at LHRA events must be original to their time period vehicles, or acceptable reproductions of WWII vehicles. “Reproduction” vehicles are termed as such that they look like the vehicle they portray. It is the duty of the Vehicle committee to determine if a Reproduction vehicle looks like there original counterpart. Any decision of the vehicle committee is considered final, but appeals can be made to the Vice-President for future consideration.
3. All vehicles must pass a basic safety check of braking system to participate in the event. All vehicles must have a working fire extinguisher on board to participate in event. The LHRA may provide Fire Extinguisher’s at any LHRA event for use by its members only, free of charge at its discretion.
4. Any vehicle driven off road should have a ground guide, to avoid personnel hiding in the foliage.
5. ABSOLUTELY NO IGNITABLE DEVICES ARE TO BE THROWN OR FIRED INTO ANY VEHICLE. No weapon is to be fired directly at anyone in a vehicle closer than 15 yards. No projectable object may be fired at less than a 45 degree angle from the horizontal.
6. Vehicle Operators must adhere to all federal, state and local vehicle regulations when not in the tactical area.7. Postwar vehicles will not be allowed unless they are properly converted to look like WWII vehicles. Members may mail or email a set of photos and description of said vehicle to the officer of the Vehicle committee for consideration. Any decision of the vehicle committee is considered final, but members can appeal to the Vice-President using the appeals process.
Rules for Weapons
1. All members will have ALL weapons inspected by a member of the Safety committee (or an appointed LHRA member to oversee said inspection) to insure that said weapon is not only safe to be used, but said member using said weapon uses only Blank ammo for an event. The Safety committee officer will have the right to not allow a weapon to be used if the officer (or appointed member) feels the State and Federal laws are not met, or that the weapon may be un-safe to use. Any Full Automatic firearm, as described by Federal and State law must be properly licensed. It will be required that any member with Full-Automatic weapons must have a copy of their Federal form with them. Any Full Automatic firearm not meeting these laws will be not allowed at an event. Any decision of the Safety officer is considered final for the event. Appeals can be made after the event and sent to the Vice-President to be reviewed under the Appeals process.
2. No live ammo is to be brought to any LHRA event. Exception: Live Ammo may be used at any LHRA shooting match as required by said match, however such an event CANNOT take place during the same time period as an event that only requires blank ammunition. Wood-tipped blanks may only be used in automatic/semi-automatic weapons equipped with a blank adapter/shredder. No wood tip blank may be used in a Bolt action weapon.
3. Shotguns are banned from all LHRA sponsored events for use in tactical settings. These may be used for display purposes only.
4. No weapon is to be fired directly at anyone closer than twenty (20) feet. Do not aim directly at a members face within this set limit. Do not fire any weapon near a person where there hearing might be affected (along the side of a person). If firing a weapon closer then 20 feet, aim said weapon at the ground or high in the air before firing.
5. Military Simulators (artillery, etc.) can be used in staged spectator events, under the supervision of an approved Safety Officer in a controlled area.
6. No one may fix any bayonet to any rifle, except for controlled (posed, staged) photographs. They may not be fixed at any Private event. Under certain conditions, units portraying Civil War or Roman Legions may display the Bayonet/spear in accordance with their respective event. It is recommended that Rubber or “Soft” bayonets and knifes be used instead.
Rules for Types of Powder
1. No flash powder will be used in personnel pyrotechnic, i.e., hand grenades, mortar shells, etc. 3F (FFF) powder or Pyrodex P is recommended for use in pyrotechnics due to the shorter duration of the flash time. 2F (FF) and Pyrodex RS tend to have a prolonged burning time and are potential fire hazards.
2. Containers and Shell Bodies
a. No wood, PVC, fiberglass, metal, or any other types of splinter generating material will be used for burst containment. Any metal used in fastening, i.e., staples, screws, etc. must be attached in such a manner as not to generate shrapnel. No potential striking edge of any pyrotechnic device shall be constructed of the materials listed in Section E, Point 2 a. The following types of materials are recommended: flexible plastic bottles, paper or cardboard tubing, tennis balls, all rubber radiator hose or any material not covered in Point 2 a.
3. Tail Sections – Mortar Shells and Rifle Grenades
a. Rifle Grenades: Tails may be constructed of PVC with rounded edges, provided that flight characteristics ensure a nose first strike. A wooden dowel rod with the sharp edges rounded off is acceptable.
b. Fins: No metal, hard plastic, PVC, or any wood harder than balsa wood shall be used for construction of tail fins. LHRA, Inc. recommends the following materials for tail fins: balsa wood, cardboard, soft plastics from bleach, milk or coolant bottles, soft vinyl flooring and other non-injurious materials.
c. Nose Shape: No pointed nose shapes are permitted on projectiles of any kind. Nose shapes shall be rounded or flat with round edges. The following materials are recommended for noses: Ping Pong balls, soft rubber balls, tennis balls, Dixie Cups, polyethylene bottles or similar materials.
4. Grenades: Rifle and Hand
a. Bursting charges will not exceed 100 grains of black powder or Pyrodex. NO FLASH POWDER! Grenades should be a near to the actual size as possible. Grenades should be lobbed, not thrown baseball style.
d. Rifle grenades will not be used in the horizontal fire at or near personnel. No rifle grenades will incorporate a contact ignition; only time delay will be used. Because of increased striking power generated by a smaller nose contact area, the total weight for rifle grenades shall not exceed eight (8) ounces.
5. Mortar and Artillery Shells
a. Bursting charges shall not exceed fifty (50) grains weight of low explosive, i.e., black powder or Pyrodex, NO FLASH POWDER! No mortar or artillery shell shall be fired below 45 degrees from the horizontal. No mortar or artillery shell shall contain an impact contact detonator. Time delay ignition only. Mortar and artillery shells shall be appropriately colored to enable recognition while in flight. This will minimize the risk to personnel from incoming fire.
b. Shell weight for a shell with a 2” diameter or less shall not exceed eight (8) ounces in total landing weight. Shells with a 2-1/2” diameter or larger shall not exceed ten (10) ounces in total landing weight. Experience has shown these to be the maximum safe acceptable weight limits. Launch charges are limited to four (4) ounces or 1750 grains by weight of low grade explosive. 10% of this or less is recommended for safe usage. It is possible to rupture mortar tubes using more than this.
6. Mines
a. Only Pyrodex may be used for land mine charges. Black powder has proven to be too concussive for safe use. Main charges in mines will not exceed 120 grains of moderately confined Pyrodex with a separate charge for smoke effect of up to 50 grains Pryodex loosely confined. All rocks, stones and foreign object must be removed from the vicinity of the planted mines to eliminate shrapnel and risks to personnel.
d. All mines should be as close to actual size as possible to allow expansion of powder gasses to reduce concussive effect. Mines must either be detonated or removed at the conclusion of the event to ensure good relations with the land sponsors and to avoid fire hazards and potential injuries. Minefields at an event shall be clearly marked with the appropriate signage.
7. Trip Wires and Booby Traps – Improvised
a. Powder charges for trip wire and booby traps shall not exceed 200 grains in weight. Black powder or Pyrodex shall be used. Charges should be attached so as to direct the burst away from the intended target. Equipment and gear should not be booby trapped as this may discourage the practice of returning lost equipment.
d. Trip wires and booby traps should conform and resemble that which was available to respective forces during that particular time period. All unused trip wires and booby traps must be removed at the conclusion of the event.
8. Military Devices and Simulators
a. No US Military simulators will be permitted at any event except by approved personnel. Artillery simulators and devices will be used by personnel certified and designated by the LHRA officers and staff for that task, pursuant to approval of said personnel prior to the event by the LHRA Event Staff. Artillery simulators may only be used to simulate weapon strikes within your OWN lines, and CANNOT be thrown at other personnel or into manned positions.
d. All buried artillery simulators must be clearly marked so that personnel may maintain a safe distance from them. Pyrotechnic devices shall not be thrown into vehicles or dry fire hazard areas. They should be employed only in hard, clear ground to avoid the possibility of fires. Parachute flares cannot be used due to the large chance of fire and/or the flare drifting off into civilian areas.
9. Blank Ammunition
a. No wood tipped blanks shall be used in a weapon that does not have the appropriate restrictor system and shredder to ensure the harmless breakup of the tip. Crimps on blanks should be of such configuration that no metal fragments separate from the main case of the body when fired. Wax-tipped ammunition is prohibited due to the hot slug being expelled from unrestricted bores and because in semi and full automatic weapons it has been found to clog gas systems and bore restrictors, resulting in dangerously high pressures.
d. Blank artillery or tank cannon fire should be preceded by a warning to personnel in vicinity of the blast.
10. Demolition Charges
a. Demolition charges should be constructed only by certified members of designated units who normally undertake this activity, i.e., pioneers, engineers, sappers, etc. Demolition charges will at NO time be capable of actually damaging anything to which they are affixed. All demolition crews should be prepared to cope with any resultant small fires form the use of demolition charges. All demolition sites must be cleared of personnel and certified safe by the ranking member of the demolition team before the detonation of charges.
11. Filler
a. Filler materials must be chemically inert to avoid skin or eye injury, Filler materials should not yield shrapnel from large pieces or yield secondary ignition. The following materials are recommended: baking soda, fine grain powder, carpenter’s chalk, or any substance similar in consistency. Combinations of the above listed materials may be used to regulate weight.
Violations and Punishment
1. Committee members will give written notices by mail or email to the member who is deficient in any area(s) of authenticity, Safety or Vehicles. The committee member must point out what was wrong and offer possible suggestions to help the participant. The individual and their unit commander will each receive a copy, as will the Vice-President. At the following event where the individual is present, the individual will be checked again and if the problem has not been corrected to the satisfaction of the Committee members, the individual will be escorted off the grounds by Event Staff, without a refund.
2. Units that accumulate more than 5 individual/unit warnings in a 12 month period will receive a warning from the committee involved. Further warnings will result in said member/unit being prohibited from participation in future events. Appeals can be made to the Vice-President using the appeals process.
3. Major infractions or deficiencies such as no attempt to get a haircut, completely wrong uniform, etc. can result in immediate dismissal from an event without a refund unless said member can correct the problem quickly.
4. Refusal to follow the instructions of a Safety Officer or a member of the Event Staff is grounds for immediate dismissal from the event with no refund.
1. For the LHRA to sponsor an event the unit wanting sponsorship must submit an event support form 120 days prior to the event unless extraordinary circumstances exist. These will be approved by the President on a case by case basis. Extraordinary circumstances will be defined by the President/shareholder. Once the application has been received, the President/shareholder will decide to sponsor the event or not.
2. If the event is approved to be sponsored, the Secretary will issue the insurance certificate to the event organizer within 60 days of the scheduled event. The President/shareholder will also designate a LHRA Representative to oversee that LHRA Safety and Authenticity Guidelines are being followed.
3. As we are guests at many different event sites and military bases, we must adhere to all rules and regulations at these sites. In particular, we are required to follow ALL Department of Defense Regulations regarding such things as Base Traffic Laws, Weapons Guidelines and Co-Habitation Rules when staying on Military Bases or Reservations.
Business Practices
The Living History Reenactment Association, Inc., also known as the LHRA is a business, a corporation under law. Any event that generates a profit will be added to the LHRA Treasury for use with daily LHRA business and bills. A year end summary will be posted on the LHRA forum and Website for all membership to review. This will be provided by the Corporation assigned CPA.
The LHRA reserves the right to change an event fee without prior notification to the membership.
Privacy Policy and GDPR
When you provide the LHRA with information through this Website, we respect your privacy. It is important for you to understand what information that the LHRA collects about you during your visit and what we do with that information. Please note that your use of the Website is subject to this Privacy Policy and our Terms and Conditions.
At all times, the LHRA reserves the right to disclose any information, including personally identifiable information, to comply with any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental request; to protect the LHRA’s rights or property or during emergencies when safety is at risk, or for credit fraud protection and risk reduction purposes.
1. Information Collection and Use
The LHRA only collecst personally identifiable information about you via this Website when you provide it in connection with a request for membership, or a service. When you submit your personally identifiable information on this Website, you are giving your consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information as set forth in this Privacy Policy.
The LHRA may use the information that you provide to fulfill your request for membership, information, or other service, or respond to an email or other request, as well as to create and deliver to you our email newsletters, communications containing product information. If you prefer not to receive email marketing communications from us, please see Section 3 below. You cannot opt-out of receiving communications from the LHRA relating to a specific order or request for a product or service. If you would prefer that we not collect any personally identifiable information from you, please do not provide us with any such information.
In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation effective May 25th, 2018, we must disclose all personal data that is stored by the LHRA.
Email Address
A user’s email address is a necessary component of any users membership account, and it will be stored for the life of the account. The email address used to create the membership account is retained, as well as the user membership account’s currently active email address.
IP Address
IP Addresses can be stored temporarily as a basic function of the website in connection with security. An IP address which identifies a user’s shopping cart session is only retained for the lifetime of the session; however, when an order is finalized on our site, the associated IP address is retained with the order for potential security reasons.
Billing and Shipping Address
Whether it be digital or physical goods, a billing and address will be temporarily stored as part of membership order fulfillment. This information is retained in reference to the associated order.
Payment Method
In connection with membership orders this data is not retained beyond what is necessary to complete a specific transaction unless you specifically opt to save your payment details as a future convenience. For your security, the LHRA does not keep your complete, usable, payment method data; it is used on our behalf by our payment processor(s) in accordance with industry best practice, and a tokenized reference is stored on our servers. The LHRA records this reference as necessary to complete transactions.
Content notice
This Website is intended for persons 13 years of age or older. In compliance with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998, we do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 13. However, if the parent or guardian of a child under 13 believes that the child has provided us with personally identifiable information, the parent or guardian of that child should contact us if they want this information deleted from our files so that it is not in retrievable form. If we otherwise obtain knowledge that we have personally identifiable information about a child under 13 in retrievable form in our files, we will delete that information from our existing files so that it is not retrievable.
Removal of Personal Data
The LHRA will remove collected personal data stored by the LHRA, when a) the purpose for which it has been collected or otherwise processed has ended, or b) upon request of the data subject, with the exception of data we are required to retain by law. To request the removal of collected personal data, please contact us.
2. Third Parties
The LHRA relies on other companies and individuals to perform functions on behalf of the LHRA. This includes processing your membership order via information you provide to us. The LHRA may share personally identifiable information with such third parties (ie; Credit Card processors, Paypal, LHRA CPA) as appropriate for them to perform their functions, but they may not use such information for any other purpose.If you do not want to receive email marketing communications, see Section 5 below for opt-out information.
3. Notification of Changes
We may revise this Privacy Policy from time to time. If we decide to change our Privacy Policy, we will post the revised policy here. The LHRA may make changes at any time without notifying you. Periodically consult this Privacy Policy to stay up to date regarding how we use the information we collect.
4. Email Marketing
If you opt in to the the LHRA’s information emails, we may contact you via email correspondence. If for any reason you would no longer like to receive email messages from the LHRA, please contact us.
Your privacy is important to us, and for this reason the LHRA will never sell or share your email address with any third parties for direct marketing purposes. Please note, if you decide not to receive marketing emails from the LHRA, you may still receive “Transactional” email messages regarding your order (i.e. membership order confirmation, customer service notifications, etc.) If you have questions or concerns regarding this statement, please contact us.
5. Notification of Data Breaches
In the event that user data is revealed to parties not previously disclosed in this Privacy Policy, the LHRA will notify you via your primary contact email address of the data breach within 72 hours of becoming aware of the data breach. The LHRA also notifies relevant authorities of data breaches as required by law.
Schedule of Insurance Fees and Other Related Fees
1. The cost of the use of the LHRA Insurance will be a $200 Flat Fee * This fee is subject to a review by the LHRA as each event is different, the number of reenactors, spectators, location etc. A very large event will cost more to insure. This means Insurance fees could change based on these factors. There is also a $2.00 per registered participant fee to be collected at the event. The $200 Flat Fee * will be paid with the application for the event, will be due thirty (30) days before the event. The participant fee will be paid to the LHRA within 30 days after the event. Additional Named Insured for events will be at an additional cost to the requester. In the event that the event is not approved by the LHRA, the Flat Fee amount will be refunded.

Types of LHRA Events
1. LHRA Hosted Event
a. This is run by LHRA Officers and Appointed Event Staff, who will also be responsible for Safety and Authenticity and is covered under LHRA Insurance. All finances are controlled and distributed by the LHRA Shareholder/President. After all event bills are paid, all profit revenue is returned to the LHRA Treasury.
2. LHRA Sponsored Event
a. This is run by a LHRA Host Unit, with an appointed LHRA Safety and Authenticity Officer (who will be appointed by the President/shareholder, usually the host unit commander) and Is covered under LHRA Insurance, after basic fee deposit is made. All finances are controlled and distributed by the Host Unit. After all event bills are paid, all profit revenue is retained by the LHRA Host Unit.
3. LHRA Sanctioned Event
a. This is run by a LHRA Host Unit, with an appointed LHRA Safety and Authenticity Officer (who will be appointed by the President/shareholder, usually the host unit commander). Is not covered under LHRA Insurance; the Host Unit must provide proof of other event insurance.. All finances are controlled and distributed by the Host Unit. After all event bills are paid, all profit revenue is retained by the LHRA Host Unit.
Changes to the Rules and Regulations1.Any changes to the Rules and regulations can be made at any time by the President or the Shareholder(s) without prior membership approval. Both the President and the Shareholder(s) must agree to any changes being made. Changes must conform with known laws, or with proper regulations need for the safety or security of the LHRA members or for the proper operation of the corporation (LHRA).
1. Members who have questions regarding any of the rules and regulations for members, or any issues related herein should contact the LHRA’s Public relations officer listed in the officers section of the forum.